Call 2018 for museums & communities

Oui je te confirme qu’Avignon on y travaille pour 2019 !

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Merci Magda !

je vais suggérer à la communauté Ile de France de garder contact avec toi, pour suivre vos étapes et manager aussi le museomixage d’un musée en 2019 dès maintenant !

Quel est le lien que ne marche pas???

Je ne suis pas trop sure comment éditer le site web…

hello Gabriela !

le lien qui ne marche pas est celui avec la photo de Quito, sur la page éditions 2018 : quand on clique sur l’image, c’est l’ “erreur 404”^^ “aucun résultat. La page recherchée est introuvable”.
D’autre part, Quito n’apparaît pas dans les choix possibles des candidat.e.s sur le formulaire à remplir. Si vous êtes sûrs de faire le Museomix c’est peut-être dommage ?
Sinon, d’une manière plus générale, on pourrait peut-être en Inter-Co par exemple réfléchir à un appel décalé pour les pays de l’hémisphère sud ? @Ros ? En gardant les mêmes dates pour l’event ? Qu’en penses-tu, Gabriela ? et les autres pays concernés, @Marcela-Bresil, @Cristiano_Recife ? Il faudrait poser la question à la communauté mexicaine aussi…

the link which doesn’t work is the one on the page “éditions 2018”, when clicking on the picture “Quito” : error 404…
And Quito is not a possible choice for people who apply on the form to fill. If you are sure to do the Museomix this year, maybe it is a pity ?

in a general way, maybe in Inter-Co we could discuss of a “pushed call” for southern hemisphere countries ? @Ros ? Keeping the same dates for the event ? What do you think about that, @gabrielamenag, and people from other concerned countries : @Cristiano_Recife, @Marcela-Bresil, and we have to ask mexican community too…


Hello @gabrielamenag,

I see you added Quito to this document, I can add it to the submission form?


Yes Luca! You can add Quito

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I am going to keep trying to create the local site. Tonight I will be doing the second attempt.

Also I think it is a good idea to make a late submission call. Specially because we are chossing the museum on July.

I’ve been talking with México and them are not having Museomix this year but maybe they are organizing some other smaller event as kidmix or minimix…

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Hey ! I will try to have some news for Recife and Zagreb :slight_smile: I let you know here.


Hi to all,

In 2 days (June 30th at 23:59) the first call for participant will close as discussed in Lille and here. The second call will be from September 1st to 30th.

Now I know a little better JotForm (the tool used to manage the form) and I can offer to reopen it for some locations who need more time to engage people.

The “only” limitation is that I can’t plan the changes in advance (I can only planify in advance the closure of the form), so I can’t guarantee when the form will be available again after the closure. On Saturday and Sunday I’ll be in Bologna for the INTERCO meeting and I don’t know if I’ll able to do it (time and connection) very quickly.

@NinaDebail @tristan.hocquet @tounoki @MuseomixZagreb @Margot @Jean-Marc @MarionG @Laurene @gabrielamenag
The form must be reopen after June 30th? Until when?

You can answer here or using a “direct message” (button “Message” on my profile page).


Hi !
I don’t know if we should stop now or continue. I think that the form should stay opened for all communities or be closed for all the communities, it would be simpler for us and more understandable for everybody.
So I let you decide about it in Bologna and we will follow your collective decision !


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Hi to all,

(and specially @NinaDebail @tristan.hocquet @tounoki @MuseomixZagreb @Margot @Jean-Marc @MarionG @Laurene @gabrielamenag)

After a short discussion with Museomix BE during the INTERCO in Bologna we decided to reopen the call of participants tomorrow morning (July 2dn) until July 10th.

If you don’t want that the call is open for your location I can exclude it or if you will to keep open after July 10th I can also reopen it for your location.



The call is now open again until July 10th.

Hello everybody,

The northern community is scheduled to meet tomorrow night (July 3rd) to select participants for the first session.

If it is possible to cut the registration for the Palais des Beaux Arts so that we do not miss out on people who would register after today, that would be great.

Thanks in advance,
Nina for Museomix Nord

Bonjour tout le monde,

La communauté nord a prévu de se rencontrer demain soir (3 juillet) pour faire la sélection des participants de la première session.

Si c’est possible de couper l’inscription pour le Palais des Beaux Arts afin que nous ne passions pas à côté de personnes qui s’inscriraient après aujourd’hui, ça serait top.

Merci par avance,
Nina pour Museomix Nord

Salut @NinaDebail,

J’ai enlevé Lille de la liste des lieux donc pas de risques pour votre sélection de demain.

A+ Luca

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Hi everybody !

Where can we find the listing of participants ?

@Marilyne @NinaDebail @Kwandika

Salut tout le monde !
Où est-ce qu’on peut trouver le listing mis à jour des candidatures du premier appel à participants ? Histoire d’avoir une idée…
Merci !


Bonjour @lpalli & Marion,

Le plus simple est que vous voyez ensemble puisque Luca est l’administrateur principal et qu’on ne peut pas ajouter de compte en lecture sur le formulaire Google sheet sans sa validation :slight_smile:

Bonne journée à vous deux,
Nina pour Museomix Nord

Hello @lpalli & Marion,

The simplest thing is that you see together since Luca is the main administrator and you can not add a read account on the Google sheet form without its validation: slight_smile:

Good day to you both,
Nina for Museomix Nord

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I sent you (@MarionG) a “direct message” about the access to the list.

Je t’ai envoyé un “message direct” au sujet de l’accès à la liste.

A priori il y a quelques erreurs dans les choix de lieux de candidature : des brésiliens qui candidatent à St Brieuc ! Qq’un s’occupe de cette vérif au niveau global ?

Hello tout le monde,
I am based in New Delhi India and have started building a small network of makers and ties to cultural centers via Quicksand Design studio where I work. Je parle aussi francais mais mon orthographe risque d’etre bourre de fautes (et manquer d’accents, donc english)

I was part of the team to work on the first Museomix while it was still tied to nod-A and have a good idea of the scale of prep required for this kind of event.

I know calls closed on June 30th but would like to stay in the loop and try to submit one or two museums for next year Museomix 2019. Happy to be the touch person for anyone in India.

Also, we are hosting an UNBOX festival in Feb where it could be good to show some of the work that’s come out of Museomix 2018.

Please let me know how we can work together,


It’s really great Hugo !!
This project enthuses me in the morning, thank you to you!

I represent the community of Nord de France, I do not know how we can help you, but it will be with pleasure!

FYI, a second call for participants takes place in September.
If you want to register as a participant in one of the editions 2018, it is still possible :slight_smile:

I wish you a nice day,
Nina for Museomix Nord

ps: Creating a new topic seems easier for me not to drift from the original topic of the page :slight_smile:

C’est vraiment super Hugo !!
Ce projet m’enthousiaste dès le matin, merci à toi !

Je représente la communauté Nord de France, je ne sais pas comment on peut t’aider, mais cela sera avec plaisir !

Pour info, un second appel à participant a lieu en septembre.
Si tu veux t’inscrire comme participants dans une des éditions 2018, c’est donc encore possible :slight_smile:

Je te souhaite une agréable journée,
Nina pour Museomix Nord

ps : Créer un nouveau topic me parait plus simple pour ne pas dériver du thème original du sujet de la page :slight_smile:

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