Museomix Ecuador LOGO

Hello everybody

Great news from Ecuador.

We have our official Museomix EC logo and avatar that I attach to this message, and soon we are launching our website

We also continue with all the harsh work in order to make our first Aperomix, and present our call for museums 2018 at the end of may.

I will keep you updated with our news!




Oh it’s so Fun !!! I love it !!

“BRAVO” :star_struck:

As a reminder, following the interco in February, the northern community via @tristan.hocquet has offered to be your godmother to help you if you feel the need :slight_smile:

On the other hand, regarding the calendar, do you have interested museum tracks even if you have not yet made the call to the museum officially?

Because we intend to launch the call to participant in June, and so there is necessarily the list of museums remixed for the “museomixeurs” can register.
(We must be sure in June that the Museum will welcome Museomix EC whatever happens (or almost) !)

Good luck for the future task :four_leaf_clover:

Nina for Museomix Nord

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Nice you like our logo… we tried to put some of our cultural identity in there.

About the museum to be remixed, we already shared the proyect with the museum network of the city, so we have recognized some museums that are interested. Any way, we planned to recieve the postulations from may to june, and then announce the museum to be remixed on july, at the same time that we launch the call to participants.

In order to launch the call for museums we will really appreciate if you can share with us the documents that you use for postulations so that we can base our own document on that.




Enhorabuena, Gabriela. Ha quedado muy bonita la logo y la página web.
Has curado mucho en muy poco tiempo.

Espero que todo nuestro material de Museomix Brasil 2018 te ha podido ayudar.


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Just one thing, Gabriela.
En la logo está escrito People makeS museums
pero la comunidad Museomix usa People make museums



Gracias por la observación Marcela, ahora mismo lo cambiamos.

La información de ustedes ha sido muy valiosa y la seguimos revisando todo el tiempo.

Además aprovecho para pedirte un favor. Parece que tenemos la posibilidad de solicitar apoyo para Museomix a la embajada de Brasil en Ecuador, y estamos pensando que le podríamos solicitar que nos ayuden trayendo un experto de Brasil para que sea mentor de los equipos durante la maratón.

Por eso, te quería preguntar si tú me puedes recomendar a alguien, tal vez que haya sido mentor en la edición anterior de Museomix, para ver si le interesaría venir, en caso de que logremos conseguir el apoyo económico de la embajada.

Me cuentas.
