Hi there!
I’m contacting you on the behalf of Radiona / Zagreb Makerspace (radiona.org), as we will be the co-organizers of the first Museomix Zagreb 2018 jointly with our partner Technical Museum Nikola Tesla where the event is set to take place. Radiona.org is also partner in the project Creative Museum / Making Museum where we were introduced into the concept od Museomix by Juliette Giraud. We also took part at the Museomix Nice training in 2015 led by Fabrice Denise, we were at all Creative Museum events so far.
Museomix was also presented in Zagreb by Marilyne Barisic and Margot Frénéa in March 2017 within the program of A/C/T/S Creative Museum conference that gathered 134 participants. Four Radiona members also visited presentation event of Museomix Lyon and Aperomix Museomix Lyon in 2017. We hope this Museomix Zagreb might be a great opportunity inspire Croatia Museums to start organizing Musemix events in their spaces, as well as to inspire the region too.
The social media tools for Museomix Zagreb are already created: Facebook, Twitter.
We haven’t set up yet the visuals, so the pages are not yet for sharing.
I’m here for all further questions by the Museomix community, the same as I will have lots of questions in the future.
Deborah Hustic
Project manager and Curator of Radiona/Zagreb Makerspace