Next Interco Meeting : 23-24 sept. in Brussels!

Hey :slight_smile:
we discussed about that, with Louise and Marilyne and we agree that we couldn’t communicate the registration link on the social medias. We decided to send a mail to the communities and to create a private facebook event because I tried to send private message via the communities pages but facebook blocked me :confused: And the private facebook event is not a good tool in this case. I’m wondering if we maybe we should create another group only for interco and internal news…

About the registration form for the interco meeting, I tried to fill it (I took the link you gave in this conversation) but there are no questions on the first part, only space to answer do you know if it’s normal ?

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Hey Janaïne, Thanks or your answer ! :slight_smile:
Everything you wrote make sens for me :slight_smile:
The internal communication tool might me an interesting subject to talk about during this week-end maybe then ? :wink:
I don’t know if you’ve seen but we created a public FB event for the aperomix on saterday evening which is open to anyone :slight_smile:

I checked the google form and in deed some datas were deleted :frowning:I fixed it ! :slight_smile:
Now it should be fine !

Talk very soon,


Hey Carlota, thanks for your answer :slight_smile:
I totally agree with you to put the internal communication tools in the subjects to talk about :slight_smile:
I just saw the event on facebook, I’m publishing it today or tomorrow.
Thank you for the google form, I’m finally registered :slight_smile:
See you soon !

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Hello Museomix Belgique !
Thanks for this meeting organisation.

We’ll be, Fabrice Denise (SudMix and Museomix Association), Jean-Pierre Girard (Museomix AURA and Museomix association) and I (Museomix Bordeaux and Museomix association) present at this interco meeting to:
. listen to the presentation of the interco project
. present the tools, actions and contacts developed since 2014 that could be useful for the realization of this new interco
. to share and transmit our experiences of interco museomix if it’s useful for all.

Then, I propose to present the new European project THE MAKING MUSEUM (which follows the CREATIVE MUSEUM project) and offers the opportunity to the Museomix makers to be “makers in residence in the European museums”.
The European community is also proposing to Museomix to contribute to the European Year of Cultural Heritage, which will take place in 2018. We could also discuss this and imagine how this could contribute to the link between museomix communities.
What do you think about that ?
Tell me, if this subject look good for the saturday meeting ?

(Sorry, I can’t fill the form you send !?)
Could you complet the file for fabrice too
We’ll arrive on friday at 6am, and left sunday at 12pm…
We don’t need any coachsurfing.
We prefer speaking in french but we can speak english.



Hello !
Je pense (sauf souci d’organisation familiale) que je vais pouvoir venir à Bruxelles :slight_smile: et que je peux me faire héberger. je ne sais pas encore exactement qui d’autre viendra, de la communauté Ile de France, je pense que Noemie Lozarch-Villain et peut-être la nouvelle coordinatrice com seront du voyage. Je souhaite pour ma part que ce week-end permette la mise en place d’un retroplanning de museomix sur lequel chaque communauté puisse s’appuyer tout au long de l’année, assorti des “outils” (fichiers, courriers, charte graphique, dossiers, modèles…), et autres questions pour un fonctionnement fluide et horizontal qui reste sécurisant, en abordant la question du relais et du binôme souhaitable quant aux actions “pour tous”, genre les fichiers d’appel aux museomixeurs.
à bientôt bonne journée tout le monde !

I think I could come to Brussels :slight_smile: and I can be hosted. I don’t know exactly who will come from IDF community, I think Noemie Lozarch-Villain and maybe the new coordinator for “com”. I wish this week-end will see creation of a retroplanning on wich each community could base themselves on, all along the year, within the “tools” (files, courriers, samples…), and other issues for an horizontal and smooth operationg which stay secure.
looking forward, have a nice day !


Hello to all !

Thanks for your recent contacts and sorry to be sometimes a bit long to answer, September is a bit crazy for many of us :slight_smile: Thx @juliettegiraudpro & @CathBarra for your last inputs !
We are having a meeting this sunday and will finalise everything for the next interco :slight_smile:

  • Logistics are in control here, we’ll send you next week the location & program. We will also dispatch the people who need couchsurfing and give you the info on who’s sleeping where :slight_smile:

  • Please register BEFORE SUNDAY 17.09 !!! We need the info to plan the food and organise the location :slight_smile:
    Only through this link : (if you go directly via the drive you’ll get the admin version :wink: )

  • We’ll include all the topics suggested in the program that we will propose to you next week. Don’t hesitate to give us some feedback :slight_smile:

If I am forgetting something, don’t hesitate to tell me so :wink:
We are delighted to welcome you soon,




Il y aura plusieurs membres de la Communauté Nord le week-end prochain !
Nous sommes en train de nous organiser pour convoiturer.
Je reviens d’ici dimanche pour inscrire tout le monde sur le formulaire et le couchsurfing.

A bientôt,
Nina pour Museomix Nord

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Coucou Nina ! On se réjouis de vous avoir :slight_smile:
Est-ce que tu peux nous donner plus d’informations car nous sommes en trains de répartirs les places de coachsurfing :slight_smile: !
Combien serez-vous ?

Merci et à tout bientôt !

To all : could you please register here :
We need the info for food supplies (you don’t want to starve :wink: )

Thank you !

Voilà qui est fait !

Comme précisé, j’attends de savoir du côté de l’employeur de Tristan à quelle heure on peut décoller du Nord pour voir si on passe la nuit du vendredi chez vous, ou si on part très tôt samedi matin pour être à 9h à Bruxelles.

Du coup on sera 2, disponible les deux jours :slight_smile:

À bientôt,
Nina pour Museomix Nord

Hi everybody !

Malheureusement la communauté Sudmix ne pourra surement pas être parmi vous durant ce week-end :frowning: Nous nous demandions si un système de retransmission en direct a été prévue ou est possible ?

A bientôt,

Hello everybody,
I am obliged to cancel, I can’t be there this wd, I am really really sorry. It was a very hard decision to take but I have too much work, we open an escape game next week and we are completely overwhelmed. What I can propose is to do a skype interview to talk about communication and the mixroom during the afternoon workshops. Tell me if this can help.

hello Janaïne,
je dis oui à un échange à distance :slight_smile: ! on pourra discuter et établir un compte rendu, avec des questions à te poser, et des décisions/choix/propositions à amender/valider, et t’appeler à ce moment-là, pour être efficace sans te faire passer trop de temps en discussions longue distance ! De ton côté si tu as des thèmes que tu aimerais voir traités, n’hésite pas à les faire connaître en amont !


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Bonjour Carlota,

Nous sommes en train de voir pour prendre une chambre ou Be&Be mais je ne trouve nul par où à lieu de rendez-vous pour le samedi matin à 9h30.

Pourrais-tu m’en dire davantage ?

Merci par avance,

Nina pour Museomix Nord

hello @Carlota,
comme Nina, je n’ai pas trouvé les infos pratiques concernant ce week-end : peux-tu nous redonner le lien vers les dites infos? ou les infos direct si il n’y a pas de lien bien sûr :wink: Merci beaucoup !
because it can help every one : please Charlotte, can you give us again the link to practical informations about this interco week-end, or directly the informations :wink: ?
Thanks a lot :slight_smile: !!!


Hello everyone :slight_smile:

Sorry for my late answer, those last 2 week have been more busy then expected !
I just sent an email with all the practical info (location, program, contacts).

@Kwandika Sad that you can’t make it but we’ll find ways to communicate. Probably wiki & skype
I’ll give you the info on this channel. Can you already give us your contacts ?

All persons who asked for coachsurfing should have received an email from Sam. If it’s not the case and you’re still looking for a place to stay, please let us know !

We are looking forward to welcome you :slight_smile: :yellow_heart:
See you soon,


Oh, and we’ll take care of the lunch & drinks during the meetings :wink:
No need to worry about it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Juliette !
Thank you for your propositions. We worked on a program for this 2 days with @jean_pierre_girard @Jean-Marc and @Ros which is very full !
Here is how I think your propositions can take place in the program :

. listen to the presentation of the interco project > we meet in Brussels to build the intercom project, so for the moment there is nothing to present ! :wink:

. present the tools, actions and contacts developed since 2014 that could be useful for the realization of this new interco / to share and transmit our experiences of interco museomix if it’s useful for all. > that would be very useful ! but if you present it to everybody it will take the all day, because the history of museomix is rich. I think it would be great if the three of you melt in the groups of discussion and bring your knowledge during the discussions.

. to present the new European project THE MAKING MUSEUM

> you could do that on the sunday morning, if it’s ok for you ? The sunday morning will be a time for sharing the projects of every community.

See you tomorrow !

Margot, Museomix Normandie

Bonjour on est à Bruxelles avec Nina Ath de vous rencontrer plus demain j’espère que demain nous échanges sur l’occasion d’aborder des problématiques concrètes sur differents points de blocage et expériences et non pas une conférence generale sur un musomix car nous sommes tous convaincus de l’intérêt de Museomix et de travailler ensemble

Nb : Tristan pour MUSEOMIX Nord