Refonte site web : c'est parti ! // Let's work on the new!


Please look back at the message I sent on your community message box :

Thanks :slight_smile:

@Marilyne Perfect!! :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

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Just a word : WAOW

Indeed, I have to add a presentation of the Belgian community.

And also, I have to understand how to add a link with an existing museum. For example, in 2015, Belgium “museomixed” 2 muséums : Mariemont & MSK (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Gand). This last is on the global list but is not linked with the Belgian presentation.

Anyway, it’s really nice and I’m just talking about improvements.

But these changes will be done… later. :wink:

EDIT : Rectif. In wp-admin, I find the text presenting the Belgian community. But this one is not visible on the web site.

Strange. I have to go deeper.

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BRAVO ! The website looks very great.

I did not find where I can change the name of the “team” for the past edition… The e-mail adress of the director of the museum is on line, I would like to delete it. Can you tell me where I can find some help ?

Thanks !

Bonjour @Jean-Marc,

La vidéo avait été réalisée par le vidéoaste du conseil départemental en 2014. On se renseigne pour la traduction.

Bien à toi,


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Bonjour @celia_cbo, @Marilyne

Merci pour cette refonte ! Le site a pris un coup de jeune et cela fait plaisir !
Nous aimerions mettre à jour la page de la communauté Sudmix mais j’ai égaré les codes coordo local. Pourriez-vous me les renvoyer stp ?

Par ailleurs, quand aurons-nous les codes d’accès pour que les communcants puissent alimenter la page prototype pendant ledît week-end ?

En te remerciant.


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Hello @Charline, please look in this mail :

Hey, go into “lieux” > choose the page you want to change > go down you’ll see tabs, one is “Equipe” then you can the whereabouts of the team members.
I don’t understand your question for the team name… Please can you give an example?

Merci !

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Hi, thank you @Jean-Marc!

In “lieux” > Gand > the community BE was not linked to the page. I did it. Please check.

For the belgian community prsentation, in which language it is not visible / visible ?
You must fill : Presentation field at least

Please check here in French :

Merci !

hello Marilyne ! à mon tour de te dire qu’on n’a pas accès au website… et que je le lien que tu as partagé dans ces conversations, me dit que je n’ai pas droit à cet accès… :/…
merci d’avance !

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J’ai commencé un nouveau sujet ici pour se coordonner : Prototypes 2017

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Hello, @CathBarra please check this message :

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Hello Maryline,
I am working with CathBarra and Pierre Saulay at MuseomixIDF. I am trying to connect on wordpress with the ID but it doesn’t work, although it works when Pierre tries it from its computer :thinking:
Thanks a lot in advance for your help!

Bonjour Maryline,
I haven’t received the new password so I cannot connect to the new site.
Could you send it to me?
Merci! ^^

Hey, please look at this message:

Hi, @Marilyne @celia_cbo @CathBarra !

I’m putting online more info in Portuguese (PT-BR) at the website.

I would like to ask for your help to fix just small things that I’m not being able to do it.
The six main pages are translated here:

But two of them don’t appear in the heading (Comunidades = community and Protótipos = prototypes) and one of them, S’impliquer = Se envolver, it’s translated but the title stays still in french.

So, if you have some time, I’ll appreciate your help.
Thank you very much :wink:



Hello ! I think @samy is the one who could help you ! :wink: he is the master of wordpress engine ^^


Sorry for delay I was little bit busy these days :frowning: I will check it ASAP (I go to Lisboa tomorrow so not much time)

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I fixed it :slight_smile: @samy @priscila

@priscila you did a great job for the translation !!! Parabens !

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Uhuuuuul! :star_struck:
Thanks, everyone! @Marilyne @samy @CathBarra