Webform for the call of participation of Museomix 2016

Hi Marilyne,
and thanks!
the main error is that we don’t see at all button-images about all the museomix in the “Décidez où vous voulez museomixer.” section.
What’s more we have a error in the title “Le 6 principali profili richiesti” that should become “I 6 principali profili richiesti”.

There are others little errors in formats and text and we have 4 different “lieux” to manage, that’s why we’d like to have an access to the backend to fasten the whole job…
Please tell me if it’s possible, as @juliendorra said before.

Have a nice day!

Is it possible to officially say that the deadline is the 15th of July?

Here in Italy we’re feeling to be in a mess (it should sound like an alarm as long as in Italy we have a general level of mess very high) and it doesn’t help people to understand the complexity of Museomix.

Thank you very much!
Rosanna, @ElenaBertelli & @Chiara_org

HI Marilyne,
we will send you the english version of Basel and Nyon as soon as possible,
cc @Irist @jynze

Hi everyone,

In Rhône-Alpes Auvergne (Lezoux), we’ve decided to take an advantage of this very short call period: we’re officially maintaining July, 1st as the deadline, and when it’s over we’ll surely announce that it’s been extended. Hopefully till July 15. So rather than panic, we’re doing our best to turn it into a communication trick :laughing: Hope it’ll give you some ideas))

@Marilyne What is the personal contacts table for?
Wouldn’t it better to fill THIS FORM directly?
This Google Sheet has been used (and proved useful!) through several Museomix sessions. It lists all possible tasks and missions we’ll need to name a coordinator/“soucieux” for, it basically describes all organisational needs and allows to find all the contacts you need in one single place!
(I’ve created a copy of the 2014’s version and typed in some basic information: feel free to complete ! The doc is now available in “Museomix 2016” folder)

Museomix AURA

Hey Alina,

For Toulouse, we will do the same for the maintaining of the call till the 15/07, like a big and good surprise ! I think it can be cool if we all have the same kind communication, to have like a second big wave of posting of social media.
At the moment, there is not must subscription, so I think we all be in need to maintain at least till the 15/07.

I do not have access to the doc you mention…
As we are in the same boat this year, I think it’s cool to have a mean to reach and communicate with each other and to have everything in the same folder we are using from the beginning.
Maybe could you copy the doc you mention in the folder : https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B9FPFTRwq4b4ZWY0dFY1OXlrbGs&usp=drive_web

In the doc Contacts there also the common need we all have and the tools we are going to set.
For example :

  • having a slack for the referent and futrure mixroom
  • having a telconf early septembre to introduce to each other and share our project /issues/experience…

Thank you !


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Hi @Marilyne,

I’ve opened a new topic about this :laughing:
See you and everyone else here Inter-communuty organisation to discuss anything related to sharing useful information, contacts and documents between communities !


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Bonjour Julien,

Comment pouvons-nous avoir accés à ce tableau des participants ?

Claire (représentante communauté Museomix Azur)

And more charts

Have you already participated? Newbies vs. experienced

Submissions by day


Hello Julien,

Sorry but I couldn’t find the link to check how many participants already applied. Would it be possible to send it again?

Bonjour Julien, Serait-il possible de partager le tableau des candidatures des museomixeurs avec museomixest@gmail.com?

Par ailleurs, la candidature d’Olivier Nocent (envoyée le 30 juin via le formulaire en ligne pour Reims) n’a pas été enregistrée dans le tableau général. Existe-il une trace ou doit-il recommencer?


@juliendorra, @leila_bouanani, !!! Julien=Houston!!! We have a problem!!!
It was decided that coders can apply for Basel and Nyon a little longer - up to the 31st of july… but now the webform is offline for Basel and Nyon. Can you put it online again? At least for the last few days. We did an enourmous effort to to a second call for coders. Thanks!!!
(I know that your information - in this chat with Leila was to close it down on 30.6.) Next time we will communicate it better!
Thank you!
Best wishes, Iris

Done! Nyon and Basel are back :slight_smile: So sorry about them disapearing…

Very nice, thanks for that!

Dear Julien, I had a link to the webjotform but after a while it didn’t work anymore. So Luca Palli gave us (MX Suisse, Nyon and Basel) the xls file to work with (after the first deadline 30.6). Now Luca is on holidays. So can you give me the permission to enter the webjotform again or send me the datas? > iris.staudecker@museomix.ch


@marilyne, @jynze,
Hi Marilyine,
We uploaded the complete page for Basel in your folder.
Thanks for updating the website and thanks for the koordination with all the others :slight_smile:
Best wishes, Iris and team Basel

@CoralieG @Alina @Jenniferlv

Voir message reçu sur FB, de la part de Hugo Sainte-Marie:

J’ai postulé à Museomix 2016 il y a quelques semaines, j’ai eu le plaisir aujourd’hui de recevoir par mail la validation de ma candidature pour le musée d’Anvers. Seulement voilà : à l’inscription, je me suis trompé dans la sélection. Est-il possible de changer pour Lezoux ? Ou Vieux-la-Romaine ?

Merci de me revenir avec vos réponses / instructions.

Ok… il aurait pû prévenir un peu plus tôt car nous avons envoyés nos emails de confirmation il y a plus de 10 jours. Si nous avions su, on aurait pu choisir quelqu’un d’autre à qui nous avons dû refuser la candidature.

Soit…Lezoux et Vieux-la-Romaine? avez-vous encore des places?

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Pas de souci pour Vieux, nous avons de la place :smiley: en tout cas pour ce qui n’est pas médiation. Nous sommes intéressés par les réponses au questionnaire et l’adresse mail de cette personne afin de l’accueillir.

Bonne soirée !

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Il postulait normalement pour le profil de graphiste. Il est étudiant au pôle supérieur de design de Villefontaine.
Voici son adresse mail : hugo.saintemarie@gmail.com


Pour ses réponses, tu pourras les trouver dans le document de compilation envoyé par Julien.