2017 international map

Hi there,

Has anyone already worked on a map showing all the Museomix editions around the world in 2017 ?


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Not very complicated to do :slight_smile:

Hey :slight_smile: I just made a little map but simple one for the social medias. Can it help ?

Map on OpenStreetMap I hope.
Need help?
Think of the french osm community

By the way, there are a bunch of alternative groups in the communs mouvement involved in the OFF of the Web Conférence 2018 in Lyon, who meet in september 2017 for events taking place in january/june 2018. Meeting of the representants of theses collectives: september 4th.in Lyon. Will Museomix AURA be present?

Hi @celia_cbo,
I saw it something on the web presentation, slide 21 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11ukdb78OfhRvw9jnVTAM-Wce4aeK9f-6Y31NXvRPbwo/edit#slide=id.g1f99e01663_0_214

thanks @Ros @Kwandika ! this map will be useful

i was thinking also of a dynamic map like this one made by @Davinook in 2015 : https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zj7PgdQq9JO8.k-AxETuYHR5o&usp=sharing
ok, it’s Google, sorry @Francoise

if you think it could be useful to have a map like this every year, i could work on it (on uMap with OSM) and embed it on the new website

poke @lpalli maps expert :wink:

i think it needs a new feed of discussion in category “Off Museomix”
thanks :slight_smile:

Hello @celia_cbo.
I just shared the GoogleMap I’ve made in 2015. It’s based on layers. One layer/year, since 2011.
If anyone is interested in taking over that map and fill in the missing years (2016 -2017), just ask and I’ll share the authorisations.



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thanks @Davinook
I’ve added the locations for 2016 and 2017

that made me realize that the description of museum in Mexico is missing on the website museomix.org @paula_grg http://www.museomix.org/es/editions/2017-2/
do you access the back office with the coorlocal account ?

@Davinook did you add every single link to webpage on museomix.org for each location ? wow :astonished:

@Kwandika you can use the 2017 map on social networks if every location is ok ?


Hey Celia, it’s done :slight_smile:

hello Janaine,
est ce possible d’accéder à cette carte pour l’utiliser dans nos dossiers de presse et partenariats ? et si oui comment y acceder?
how to reach the map, and can we use it ? thanks!

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Bonjour Cath,
absolument ! voilà le lien : https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?ll=21.058241144759073%2C-19.258667937500036&z=3&mid=1EYb2rV_NpzqB1v3k922ncACnzDI :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much !!! Merci beaucoup, je transmets la carte !
bon baisers de Bruxelles ! :wink:

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