Following the "Creative Museum" project = Making Museum, a new European project

The European project Creative Museum closed in August 2017 with the last dissemination event in Lyon (associated with the first Summer camp Museomix) and with the edition of the toolkits.
The project partners found that the project was missing last step to exploit the results of Creative Museum designed.

The Making Museum project is a continuation of Creative Museum. The training programs tested previously, will be renewed and analyzed, in order to impact more the structures and the territory.
In addition, the Making Museum project will ensure the dissemination of publications produced within the Creative Museum project through workshops, conferences and other activities.
Finally, the Making Museum meetings will provide an opportunity to share the lessons and experiences of partners in the evolution of their professional practices and will provide participants with tools and resources to integrate the process more widely into their daily work.

dissemination of Creative Museum projects
organization of training times “Making Museomix” and “Residences for makers in museum”
sharing experiences and professional co-development

co-piloting of the “Making Museomix”
development and involvement of the Museomix community
organization of a 2-week residence for a Museomixeur-maker in a museum partner of the project

1 September 2017 - 28 February 2019
Calendar : (to be defined)
Autumn 2017: Dublin + Workshop Museomix meeting
Spring 2018: Trodheim meeting + Workshop Museomix
Summer 2018: Zagreb meeting + Museomixeur / Maker residence in France, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Finland or UK. (places and dates to be confirmed)
Autumn 2018: Making Museomix training in connection with one or two local communities in France, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Finland or the UK.
Winter 2019 meeting Bordeaux + Workshop Museomix

If you are interested in this topic to :
. animate a Museomix workshop during one of the European meeting or help a local community to grow
. welcome and train professionals from European museums to experiment and understand how to organized a Museomix
. be a “maker in residence” for 2 weeks in Dublin or Zagreb

Please tell me, here.


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@juliettegiraudpro can you send me this informations on my professional e-mail box ?
Merci d’avance !

This is all very exciting.
Let me know if I can help.
Maybe I can run some of the workshops.
When’s the Dublin one?
Keep up the good work.

Great !
You welcome and can contribute in november (from 2th november 9pm, to 3th november, 5am) to the first meeting as a museomixer, or/and later as a maker in residence !
For information, we just received a message from Radiona, who coordonate the makers residency, they could’nt participate in Dublin. Maybe the next meeting in Trondheim, we might work more on the maker residency subject.
Tell me if you’re interested.

Hello Juliette,
Museomix Normandy is candidate to welcome and train professionals from European museums in 2018. Our museomix will not be english speaking, but not doubt we can manage a way of translating !

Museomix Normandy

Well done !
Do you have ever an idea of the museum remixed in 2018 ?
From Dublin for kick-off meeting of the Making Museum project.

Big one, big things to create !
Good news !

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Dear happy Museomix community,


The first meeting of the european project MAKING MUSEUM spent in Dublin this week.
Were presents: Jo Anne Sunderland Bowe, Heritec, Cecile Marsan, Cap Sciences, Pier Giacomo Sola, STEPS, Margherita Sani, IBCAN, Jasper Visser, Viss+Stam, Paulinna Kinanen, Finnish Museum Association, Juliette Giraud, Museomix, Ann Siri Hegseth Garberg, MiST (Norway),
Jenny Siung, Chester Beatty Library (Ireland)

Dissemination CREATIVE MUSEUM activities is the heart of the MAKING MUSEUM project
based on the outcomes and the toolkit of the CM.

Objectives of the project are :
Strategic partnership without any expected intellectual output
Focus on sharing best practices
Develop training opportunities
Focus on evaluation

3 goals:
Training material
Training evaluation
Documentation of dissemination activities
Off-site activities
Count and document the events
Transnational activities

Dissemination event of MAKING MUSEUM and MUSEOMIX :
Dublin, October 2, 3
Trondheim - April/May 2018 ( Hyper-connected 18th May International Museums Day - ICOM)
Zagreb or Netherlands - October 2018
Bordeaux – January / February 2019

2 Museomix Training Sessions
3 days November 2018 in the Museomix event
organized with a local community
20 trainees

France : Châteaux de Caen (tutor Margaux Frénéa or one of the active member of the Museomix Normandie Community) : 10 trainees to host.
Italy (to confirme) : 10 trainees, tutor ?

1 Maker-Museomixor in residence:
10 days, taking care of the living expenses of the maker (accommodation and travel)
Where : museums partners of the project in one of the 5 countries concerned
When : to defined with partners
Goals : Co-design a new project with the museum team and public museum

If you have read this message to the end, if you are a maker and museomixor, if you are interressed by a maker’s residence in a european museum, if “your hands get dirty” with museomix organisation*, if you are an english spoken and if the idea of contributing to the co -design of this maker’s residency interests you and you are possibly available to contribute to it during a meeting in Norway in May … let me know.


  • je veux dire : “si tu as mis tes mains “dans le cambouis” de Museomix”… ;0)

Hi @juliettegiraudpro,

It’s a wonderful opportunity! Sorry for the late feedback, but Museomix activities killed & delighted us at the same time :slight_smile:

As for the Italian training session we’re speaking with Margherita, I know @ElenaBertelli should meet her next week :wink:

As for the residences: could we propose to our recent makers to be this “maker in residence”?
Do you have an email or text or whatever in order to send it to selected museomixers?

Thank you and keep in touch,

Dear Rosanna,
The maker have to come from one of the 5 countries concerned (France, Ilaly, Norway, Finland, Ireland)
I wait the next step of our project to know exactly when ? where ? it’ll happen and be able to share concret element with all the interco.
I write here all the news informations I have.
Elena join the work group about this training session.

Hi, We met with Juliette in the train from Lausanne to Genève after the last Museomix in Switzerland. As a designer /maker, I am interested to be part of this project for a residence. If you are still looking for someone, I would like to have more details about being a maker in residence for “creative museum”. Where ?when ? Is it paid ?

Let me know,
All the best :slight_smile:

Tom Violleau

Chers musées museomixés ou prochainement museomixés,
Chers relais des communautés museomix locales (et européennes)

j’espère que vous allez bien.
Voici des informations concernant le projet d’accueillir un maker en résidence dans un musée proposé dans le cadre du projet CREATIVE MUSEUM.
Les dates de la résidence ainsi que le sujet sont à définir par le musée lui même.
Le maker viendra de l’un des 5 pays partenaires du projet Making Museum: Italie, Croatie, GB, Irlande (France). La langue de travail est l’anglais.
Il s’agit de 14 jours de résidence dans un musée (budget for Maker-in-Residence €1475 this includes the flight of up to €275). Une convention de partenariat devra être rédigée entre le musée et l’association Museomix si vous vous engagez dans ce projet.

Si vous êtes un musée intéressé, merci de me renvoyer les informations ci-dessous par mail, le plus rapidement possible :

Institution name:

Contact person of institution:

Role of contact person:

**Website/Social Media/Project links: **

Residency Objectives/Project Plan (250 words) of host organisation:

Specific resources e.g. equipment, spaces, allocated staff, events & festivals etc. available for Maker-in-Residence in host/receiving organisations:

Proposed dates for Maker-in-Residence for host/receiving organisations:

A votre dispo pour en reparler par tel.

Amis Makers,
Amis Museomixers…
et Amis Européens,
Museomix vous invite à partir en résidence dans un musée européen (Trondheim, Dublin, Zagreb ? ) pendant 14 jours. (Frais de séjour et de déplacement pris en charge par Museomix).
C’est aussi une idée pour accompagner une communauté museomix ailleurs et contribuer au lien entre communautés de makers et communautés museomix… ou bien d’autres choses à imaginer.
Si l’idée vous tente, faites moi signe en mp en précisant :
**Name of maker **
**Email **
**Skills **
Maker’s experiences


@juliettegiraudpro tell me if I’m correctly understanding: this is to share with museums in which Museomix has already taken place or in 2018 museums in which for sure there will be Museomix?

As for Italy, the chosen museum will be the one chosen with Margherita or could be another for this activity?

Thanks in advance,

@juliettegiraudpro again to be sure: this is a call to be diffused through our Community communication channels? Publicly or only through mailing lists? Should it be addressed only to makers that have already experienced Museomix or to newbies too?

Thanks again,

yes, it’s addressed to makers who have already experienced Museomix, who are concerned by museomix development… through mailing lists might be fine.

@juliettegiraudpro thanks: is there a deadline?

… end of the week !

Damn! It’s too early I guess…

@juliettegiraudpro what if we say the 15th February as deadline?

And what’s the period of the residencies?