Formulaire de candidature

Hi everybody

I need your help sending me the document of the “form for the participants” that used to be on-line.

Museomix EC is about to open call for participants and we want to create a version of the form in spanish.

Hope you can help me with that document because I can’t find it on drive.



Hi @gabrielamenag,

This year I managed (with @Marilyne) the form for the first call of participants and l will do it also for the second (in September).

The form is not on the drive while it uses the service of JotForm and I only shared the results on the drive with the 2018 Museomix organizers (normally you have access to it and during the first call of participants 2 people applied for Quito).
The main concept is to have the same form for all the Museomix events and if possible to open it during the same periods.

If you will do a special call for participants for Museomix EQ I can reopen it only for Quito, I need only to know when open and close it!

The form was already translated in Spanish last year by but I can send you a copy (before the opening) if you will check it.



Hi Luca!

Very nice to know that two people already applied for Quito.

It would be fine If we can use the same form for our local call. We were willing to do it between August 1st and September 16, more or less.

Also we are going to need to change some of the information and include a couple more fields in the form.

Is that possible?

If so, I would like you to send me the Spanish translation so that I can give a look and propose some changes according to our local needs.

Please let me know if can do so.


Hi @gabrielamenag,

No problem to open it between August 1st and September 16th, but if for you it’s possible maybe it’s best to make a first local call between August 1st and 31st and then join the second global call between September 1st and 31st (or only 15th, while the second call is more “à la carte”).

Normally if you need changes in the form we need to find a consensus with all the organizers to keep a common form and to translate in each language supported. I don’t know what you need but normally the form questions are “only” to choose the participants, for logistics and local question each organizer normally send a specific form with the mail announcing to the people that they are selected.

I’ll send you the actual Spanish form to check it and if you think you need content changes I can help you to start a discussion with the community to find a consensus.



pour info @Adrien pour organiser Museomix à Dakar

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Bonjour @Adrien,

Comme @celia_cbo propose je peux rajouter Dakar pour le deuxième appel ou faire un appel “privé” comme on va probablement faire pour Quito.

J’attends des nouvelles…

A+ Luca


As we have made some changes in the categories of participants and we included one more for the “Museum lovers”, then I think it is going to be a little bit difficult to keep the same form.

Then maybe it is better if we create our own google form.

And if you believe it is necessary, you can still open the form specially for the international participants interested in Quito.

Let me know what do you think


Hi @gabrielamenag,

This year at the INTERCO meeting in Lille was decided to add a profile: the “Artist”. Maybe we can find a consensus to add also the “Museum lover” profile.

It’s damage to don’t have the same form for all the events!
But I can’t block you if you make a local Google Form. :frowning:


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I do want yo have the same form, but At the same time I need to be clear for participants which are their options.
That’s why I need to understand how are communities going to deal with new categories as it becomes in more participants. Or can we add one and delete others for local calls???

If so, maybe we can ask other communities what they think about the new category.


Hello Gabriela,
What are the changes in the categories you want to operate ? Du you keep the six “original” ? Do you keep also “artist” ? And you add a new “Museum Lover”, isn’t it ?
How do you define the “Museum Lover” ? I mean, almost all the participants of museomix are Museum Lovers :slight_smile:

Museomix Normandy

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Hi everybody,

For information :
We just finished checking for the participants submissions. We made the selection and we have all the candidats for all the categories. We will probably don’t need the second call in september.
We will send the confirmation mail next week to all the candidats for Saint-Brieuc. Is it a coordination for this step or not ?

Hi @tounoki,

Normally each organiser manage the candidates and send the mails independently. The past years we make only a little coordination for people who applied for many places, but this coordination was made directly between the implied organiser.

I know that Museomix Nord has already sent the mails since some weeks, they don’t extended the submission time, but I don’t know for the others.

Don’t forget to confirm also to the people who wasn’t selected, maybe they will apply in an other location during the second call for participants.

In about a week I will post a message here to ask organizers to confirm if they need a second call but if you know answer before you can write here or send me a message.


Hi !
In Normandy we have already sent the confirmation mail last week.
We will need the second call because we lack :

  • 2 makers
  • 1 graphic designer
  • 2 communicators
  • 3 developers
  • 1 content expert


Hello Margot

For the categories we have made small changes, even in the names so that it is adapted to our community.

He have:
Graphics design
Technologies (digitals&mechanics)
Museum lover

The museum lover is focused on museum visitors. People how diestn’ Want to contribute from their professional or technical knowledge, but from their experiences as museum visitors. Ya hat means giving voice to all people.

As you can see we have adapted the categories a bit.

Coucou Margot,
On ajoute l’info aux “non retenus” qu’il y a de la place en Normandie pour l’appel de septembre :slight_smile:

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