Formulaire d'enregistrement des participants 2017 | Registration form 2017

Hi @all !

@CathBarra @Pierre_Saulay I do not deal with the application form, I can’t be of any help for that…Sorry, please ask @juliendorra who deals with it :slight_smile:

@priscila the date were discussed in march or something like we all agree that there will be 2 calls : one in June /July and the other on in september.
As there is one and only form for everybody and we have to update the website as well, that is a great deal as you can see… That’s some of the reasons why we decided to have the same dates for all to simplify everything, adding to those pointed out by @CathBarra.

Maybe we can talk about it during the summer camp? To see if we can have chnages, who can deal with etc ?

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Thanks for the answer, @Marilyne ! So, same question for you, @juliendorra ! :wink: And to all others communities : how do you manage without the list ? or have you got the link yet ?

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Je suis Elsa coordinatrice de Museomix pour la Suisse
Est-il possible d’avoir des accès vers le formulaire pour voir où nous en sommes dans les inscriptions et pour savoir si nous devons faire une relance plus ciblée?
Merci d’avance!

Bonjour @elsa.fremont,

Je n’ai aucun accès au formulaire, il faudrait demander @juliendorra comme le demandait aussi @CathBarra

Pourrais-tu regarder si vous avez pu remplir vos pages de présentation pour cette année stp ? Si tu as besoin d’aide pour te connecter au site dis moi.

Pourrais-tu aussi voir si on a bien ton contact en tant que référent de la Suisse sur les doc dans le Drive Museomix 2017 ?


MSX Midi-Py

Oui c’est tout bon nos pages sont remplies et mon contact est dans le drive!
Mais pas de réponse de @juliendorra, il doit être en vacances…
A bientôt

Shared access to the form results with @elsa.fremont @CathBarra @Charline @NatPuzeNat and @Pierre_Saulay

(as it is a full of personal infos, it’s preferable to limit access to community members in charge of selecting the museomixers!)

The sheet is updated live from the form.

[edit] @Marilyne has also access (actually she was the very first one to get access at launch… some have privileges :wink:

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Hi @juliendorra, Can I have acces too please? Thanks a lot !

Hi @Marilyne, Why I wasn’t contacted about this?

Thanks. Have a nice day

I have done some updates on the german page of call for participants.

The following points I have noticed:

thank you

Hi @nina, page you have no dropdown for german as language
it’s because there is no translation
in the registration formulaire there are still french sentences in it → where can i correct them?
@juliendorra is dealing with this, please ask him
in the editions page not all places show where museomix takes place: → where can i link the other places?
It’s because translation are lacking: either each place can fill the translation or duplicate english page for example for the lacking laguage

Thank you,

MSX midi-py

@paula_grg I don’t understand your comment… what is it for?

Bonjour @juliendorra,

Serait-il possible d’avoir l’accès via l’adresse et ?

Ainsi nous pourrons savoir où nous en sommes niveau inscription.

Merci par avance,
Nina pour Museomix Nord

hello every body and @juliendorra !
I meet a problem with the “formulaire” : soudainement il est impossible de copier le contenu du fichier… c’est embêtant car je souhaite extraire les candidatures qui concernent le Palais de la découverte. J’imagine que chaque communauté qui organise un museomix va souhaiter faire de même. avez-vous ce problème aussi ?

it suddenly became impossible to copy the content of the file. Is it a problem you meet too ? @Carlota @Laurene… ?

Merci pour vos réponses, et bon week-end de dernière ligne droite !


Hi all,

I have a dummy question : What about late people ?

We have somebody who would like subscribe but (of course) she’s late. :wink:

Jean-Marc from MuseomixBE

Hello all,

I updated the website in all languages to close the first call and announce the second.

Please, could you check and correct if needed ? Also, could you check to translation of the pages museums (musées), places (lieux) and community (communautés) ? It would be great to have English + your language, and the English for the languages you do not have.

Thanks !

Marilyne - MSX Midi-Py


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Hello Catherine, I managed to extract the document, I’ll send it to you by email :wink:

See you soon !

Hello Catherine,
Peux-tu m’envoyer le fichier des candidatures si tu l’as?
Merci beaucoup!
Could you sent “check” candidats files?
Thanks very much

thank you Charlotte !
as I said, I finally found a way to get it ! :smiley:

tu n’y as pas accès, Laurène ?

@juliendorra est-ce possible d’avoir l’accès au fichier des candidatures des museomixeurs?
Merci !!!
Museomix Azur