Global contacts list

What do you think about creating a sheet with all contacts ? To be able to identify who manages the techshop for Quebec or the mixroom in Belgium for example ?

The website may be useful for it but we have so many issues on it, so a basic Google Sheet Can be enough

And don’t forget we have a global Slack if you need to coordinate between communities in real time


Qu’est ce que vous pensez de l’idée d’une liste de contacts accessible facilement ? Genre pour savoir rapidement qui gère la techshop a Québec, la mixroom en Belgique etc. Et n’oubliez pas qu’on a un Slack global si vous avez besoin


I think that’s a very good idea. This will allow you to know who to contact if necessary.

Very good idea ! Maybe we just can add names on this conversation ? (There are too much files in the msx drive^^)
In case I begin : @CathBarra without community in 2019, helping coordinating here and there^^

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We can add a link “Contacts list” at the top of Community


But prepare to whip communities to get the information. Including me. :laughing:

We are talking about contact list for the 2019 edition. Correct ?


We talk about 2019 edition contacts, yes :slight_smile:

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We’re going to do it in the next days, thanks @samy


Hello everyone !

The list has been completed by every communities ! (thank you @gabrielamenag <3 and every one anywhere ! )
La liste a été complétée par toutes les communautés !

if something would change, please modify the list :wink:
Si il y a du changement, il faudra penser à modifier la liste :wink:

Even if there are two different tabs, mixroom and webteam (social networks) seems to work as a unique team in every communities during the event ! :slight_smile:
Même s’il y a deux onglets, la mixroom et la webteam (réseaux sociaux) formeront cette année une équipe unique, dans chacune des communautés pendant les 3 jours !

It will be efficient to share with concerned people to join please specific discussion channels on Slack, and here on community/discourse
Il faut transmettre aux personnes concernées qu’elles pensent à rejoindre les channels de discussion spécifiques sur Slack et ici même sur Community/Discourse.