Ícones de competencia

Hi people!

We will probably have a museomix edition in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. So we need some icons to produce ours grafic arts.
Can someone send us these icons (ícones de competencia) in .ai (illustrator CS6)?
Thank you


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I would also need the icons please. Maybe one can create a folder in google drive and share them? Thanks

You might find useful templates here: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B9CvFUvGys7ffnp3bUJFWk05MFdIVmQ3b3Y2MUNkUkFoR3JuRVk1V1JJUE94cUZ5a3VkcjA

In particular, the Pollen Studio folder is the result of the (volunteered!) work of a design agency that worked with several communities to give us all a common, yet flexible graphic identity: