Interco tools : the contact list

Hello !

During the interco meeting in Brussels, we talked about some new tools to communicate altogether.
First of all : the contact list !

  1. There is a list of each community referent on the drive :
    Please update the informations !

  2. We would like to build a list of all the people from all the communities. Please fill in this very short form if you want to receive the Marvellous Newsletter of the Intercommunity :
    This form is not only for the “referents” but for everybody involved in the organization of Museomix in the world. So, please, forward !

Thank you !

Museomix Normandy


Hello !
The new contact person for Museomix Normandy is Estelle Baudry : @Estelle
Please, now, tag her if you want an answer from Normandy !

I have left the Museomix Normandy association because I need some time in my life for other activities… However, I will stay present on this forum, if I can help for some interco work.


La nouvelle personne référente pour la communauté Museomix Normandie est Estelle Baudry : @Estelle . Merci de la taguer désormais si vous souhaitez une réponse de l’association Museomix Normandie !

J’ai quitté l’association pour retrouver du temps pour d’autres activités… Néanmoins, je reste pour l’instant présente sur ce forum, pour aider ponctuellement pour l’interco.



What a news!
I think we need to update the website, I’m starting a thread in a while

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