Making museum - european project


Reminder of the context of this project
The European project Creative Museum closed in August 2017 with the last dissemination event in Lyon (associated with the first Summer camp Museomix) and with the edition of the toolkits.
The project partners found that the project was missing last step to exploit the results of Creative Museum designed.

The Making Museum project is a continuation of Creative Museum. The training programs tested previously, will be renewed and analyzed, in order to impact more the structures and the territory.
In addition, the Making Museum project will ensure the dissemination of publications produced within the Creative Museum project through workshops, conferences and other activities.
Finally, the Making Museum meetings will provide an opportunity to share the lessons and experiences of partners in the evolution of their professional practices and will provide participants with tools and resources to integrate the process more widely into their daily work.

dissemination of Creative Museum projects
organization of training times “Making Museomix” and “Residences crossed makers”
sharing of experiences and professional co-development

co-piloting of the “Making Museomix”
development and involvement of the Museomix community
organization of a 2-week residence for a Museomixeur-maker in a museum partner of the project

Dates: from 1 September 2017 to 28 February 2019 (18 months)

Calendar : (to be defined)
Fall 2017: Dublin + Workshop Museomix meeting
Spring 2018: Trodheim meeting + Workshop Museomix
Summer 2018: Zagreb meeting + Museomixeur / Maker residence in France, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Finland or UK. (places and dates to be confirmed)
Fall 2018: Making Museomix training in connection with one or two local communities in France, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Finland or the UK.
Winter 2019 meeting Bordeaux + Workshop Museomix

. Coordination and animate a Museomix workshop during one of the European stages of this project
. welcome and train professionals from European museums to experiment and understand how to organized a Museomix
. be a “maker in residence” for 2 weeks in Dublin
. propose a residence for maker in one of the museum partners of the year


Trondheim - 29/30 May 2018, Dissemination event of MAKING MUSEUM and MUSEOMIX
Juliette Giraud, coordinator Creative Museum, Making Museum for Museomix
Arthur Schmitt, Sudmix, and the maker part of Museomix !
Jean-Pierre Girard, Museomix AURA, new inter community Museomix representing

Museomix 2018, news :
. Call for museums: 1st may
. Common video for the call > 1st of may
+ Add “Artist” or “Expert”
. First call for participants : 11th june > 30th june
. Second call for participants : 3 > 30 september

The possibility of museomixing in 2018 (9-11 novembre)
• Quito @gabrielamenag > MSX Ecuador
• Recife @Marcela-Bresil > MSX Recife
• Musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen, Normandie @Margot > MSX Normandie
• Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lille @NinaDebail > MSX Nord
. Tesla Museum in Zagreb ?
. Museomix Ouest ?

What news about new Inter community organisation (by Jean-Pierre Girard)

Makers in RĂ©sidence
Cite céramiques du Sèvres in Paris will Museomix in 2019, instead of 2018.
In the Making Museum project, they propose and coordinate the makers residence and host an Irish maker either in September or October 2018. They are interested in maker with textile – who would match the best for the technological processes with porcelain-making in the museum. They’ll work with the maker and link porcelain making process and what/how to show it in the museum. The museum is being redesigned and they would like to explore how visitors to meet with the process, technological processes between the porcelain and the visitors via the maker’s response to the collections. And explore how can the museum make this possible with making and new technologies…
I invite again the @museomix Ile de France to join the project …

Making Museomix training

Teaching methods: peer-to-peer learning activities and training through experimentation

Format: with a tutor, immersive format within the Museomix organization team.
Tutors – who are Museomix community actors- will welcome, inform and train museum professionals from the Creative Museum partner organisations.
They will accompagny the group of trainees (6 trainees) along the duration of the training programme.
The tutors will :

make sure that the trainees are well integrated within the Museomix organisation team
enable the trainees to experiment « museumixing » processes
provide the trainees with an evaluation tool
are the link with the local community of museomixors
have a significant experience in community building
have a significant experience in the organisation of Museomix event (strategic & executive)
have an excellent knowledge of Museomix concept
are fully dedicated to trainees !
speak english

Caen, musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen by @museomixnormandie
Zagreb : Musée Tesla by @Museomixzagreb

Dates: 3 days nov 9 -11 2018

Evaluation: trainees will have the opportunity to evaluate the training programme and assess the possibility of translating museomix outcomes into their organisation.

Strategy for Museomix
20 trainees / 5 different countries
3 museums hosting = 3 local communities involved
3 museomix trainings / 3 tutors coming from 3 others local communities
= 6 local communities actors of the Making Museum project…

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[FR below]

Hi !
In Caen we will probably welcome an international team from the project Making museum. So we are looking for a tutor who can coordonate this group’s activities during the 3 days, in english, of course ! We imagine that this team might not be a team as the other ones… For further informations, we have to imagine it with the tutor !

We think it would be great if this tutor is someone from another community, who knows well museomix but discover our Normandy version of the event. We are calling for a volonteer !

If you don’t organise a museomix this year but you know very well the event, if you like to facilitate and imagine incredible activities, if you are fluent in english and understand french (our event is in french…) : let us know !
(if you love camembert, it could make the difference.)


Bonjour Ă  tous,

A Caen nous accueillerons sans doute une équipe internationale dans le cadre de Making museum. Nous sommes donc à la recherche d’un.e facilitateur.trice dédié.e qui anime les activités de ce groupe pendant les 3 jours, et en anglais, bien sûr. L’objectif est que cette équipe ne soit pas une équipe comme les autres… Pour plus de détail, c’est à imaginer entre ce facilitateur.trice et nous !

Nous pensons que ce serait super que ce soit quelqu’un d’une autre communauté, qui ait déjà une expérience de museomix mais découvre notre version de l’événement. Ceci est donc un appel à volontaire !

Si tu n’organises pas de museomix cette année mais que tu connais très bien l’événement, que tu aimes imaginer des activités incroyables pour un groupes d’adultes, que tu parles couramment anglais (et que tu comprends le français, car notre museomix est en français)… Fais-nous signe !
(L’amour du camembert peut être un plus.)

Merci !


Maker Residency

In 2018 the Rohannec’h Villa and the museum of Art and History in Saint-Brieuc get together for an outstanding Museomix edition.

Different from a museum, the Rohannech Villa is a place dedicated to cultural experiments, aiming to highlight the encounter between arts, public and sciences. Wellcoming a Museomix will be the occasion to open even more the place to new communities, and strengthen this sharing spirit and interaction with visitors, through the making of prototypes in a very short time on an open innovation basis.
Rohannech Villa is used to wellcoming residencies.

For the Museum of Art and History of Saint-Brieuc, the point is to extend the 2016 museosprint by enhencing approaches and topics at the heart of a society museum of the 21st century.
The museum will offer to the museomixers all of its heritage and documentary resources : places, archives, photographs, amateur movies, oral memory, creations, historical testimonies, and scientific heritage… this will be the material to remix !

Through former projects, the museum is central within inclusive ecosystems and is familiar with communities networking.
Production issues are identified and links are already developped between :
- Saint-Brieuc Factory Fablab
- Scenography workshop La Volumerie
- the museum and schol of fine arts staff dedicated to scenography and exhibition montage
- the professional industrial section of Sacre Coeur High School in Saint-Brieuc

Residence expectations

  • 15 days
  • Integrate with the existing ecosystem of aforementioned protagonists
  • Take part in the coordination and production of the spaces set up for the 2018 museomix edition in the Rohannech Villa
  • Be a resource or a participant of the Museomix event as a maker

News about european project for Museomix : Making Museum project.
Special thanks to Museomix Nord to sent @antoine.matrion for this meeting partner in Amsterdam.

Pour mémoire c’est la septième communauté locale qui contribue au développement de ce projet européen…
Museomix Lyon Ă©tait Ă  Trondheim,
Museomix Midi Py à Brigthon et à Zagreb et, a accueillis les européens à Toulouse
Museomix Normandie était à Zagreb et accueille cette année les europeens.
Sudmix Ă©tait Ă  Trondheim
Museomix Azur a accueilli les museomixeurs européens à Nice
Museomix AURA les a accueillis à Lyon 2 fois…
Sudmix était aussi à Bologne entre autre…

Bref, on est heureux que les communautés Museomix Italie et Museomix Zagreb se soient lancés activement dans le bain commun de Museomix. On est heureux aussi qu’une organisation collective et internationale se profile également.

Prochaine étape : MUSEOMIX TRAINING organisé dans 3 musées / 3 tutor / 3 communautés locales
MAKING MUSEOMIX IN MUSEOMIX ZAGREB with Arthur Schmidt, Tutor for museomix Zagreb

MAKING MUSEOMIX IN MUSEOMIX NORD - LILLE with Antoine Matrion, Tutor for Museomix North

MAKING MUSEOMIX in MUSEOMIX CAEN with Pierre Bosquet, Tutor for Museomix Normandy

Training format: with a tutor, immersive format within the Museomix organization team.
Tutors – who are Museomix community actors- will welcome, inform and train museum professionals from the making Museum partner organisations.
It’s a Peer-to-peer learning activities and training through experimentation.
With a tutor, immersive format within the Museomix organization team.
Tutors – who are Museomix community actors- will welcome, inform and train museum professionals from the Making Museum partner organisations. They will accompagny the group of trainees (6 trainees) along the duration of the museomix event as the training programme.

Il y a 7 stagiaires Ă  Zagreb, 6 Ă  Lille et 5 Ă  Caen.

Autre nouvelle : Arthur va nous aider à mettre en ligne les toolkits du projet CREATIVE MUSEUM (en anglais, en français). On s’en réjouit. (aussi textes en italien à confirmer)

Par ailleurs, et toujours dans le cadre de ce projet, un maker irlandais devrait être accueilli en résidence 10 jours dans l’un des musées museomixés ces dernières années et activement embarqué dans l’une des communautés locales… je vous en dis plus dès que cela est confirmé.

Prochaine et dernière Meeting partner prévue en février à Bordeaux pour clore ce projet de dissemination européen de Museomix…
A votre disposition pour vous en dire plus dès que j’ai le programme.

PS : @MuseomixZagreb est un peu décalée dans son calendrier et doit très bientôt compléter sa page du site…