Bonjour tout le monde
En consultant la boite mail pour des trucs administratifs, je me suis rendu compte que personne ne la consultait (ou remettait soigneusement les mails en non lu). Est ce que quelqu’un la consulte parfois ?


Hi people
Is anyone reading mailbox regularly ?

Hello, du côté du nord, nous n’avons pas accès à cette boîte mail :slight_smile:

Not from Italy, but for sure we should find someone to read and answer to this email… how can we do? Ideas?

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Pas accès non plus, depuis la Belgique. :wink:

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La problématique est plus large en effet : qui doit y avoir accès, mais au dela de ça, qui doit s’en charger :slight_smile:

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No access from Switzerland :thinking:

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The task is not very heavy :slight_smile: (some emails by month)

did we let down the trello ? Maybe mailbox caring could be a task one or two persons could choose for a few months ? I think a point of the next InterCo should be about how making Museomix working all during the year, very concretely, in practice. For now, who has the password to get the mails ?

The password is in thé global file of credentials :slightly_smiling_face:

(I have too)

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thank you ! I remembered that after sending the answer…^^

What’s the file name? If it is in the shared museomix folders…

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well I went on google drive, “shared with me” and there… impossible to find it without the name of the folder, and even of the file, as asked by @Ros… Google drive has become a kind of jungle, too much folders and files from Museomix, work, family, other activities…^^

@samy @CathBarra @Jean-Marc @lpalli @Ros if you regain somehow the account pw I could check the email once a week for example and redirect the requests here in the correct threds or to specific person who are indicated in the Contacts Communities/Museums spreadsheet :slight_smile: unfortunately I don’t have the access to Global Museomix Google Drive folder so I can’t look for the keys file.

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Don’t worry I have the password :slight_smile: i will give you accees to the drive as soon as I can

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