Next Interco Meeting : 23-24 sept. in Brussels!

Hi Juliette !
Thank you for your propositions. We worked on a program for this 2 days with @jean_pierre_girard @Jean-Marc and @Ros which is very full !
Here is how I think your propositions can take place in the program :

. listen to the presentation of the interco project > we meet in Brussels to build the intercom project, so for the moment there is nothing to present ! :wink:

. present the tools, actions and contacts developed since 2014 that could be useful for the realization of this new interco / to share and transmit our experiences of interco museomix if it’s useful for all. > that would be very useful ! but if you present it to everybody it will take the all day, because the history of museomix is rich. I think it would be great if the three of you melt in the groups of discussion and bring your knowledge during the discussions.

. to present the new European project THE MAKING MUSEUM

> you could do that on the sunday morning, if it’s ok for you ? The sunday morning will be a time for sharing the projects of every community.

See you tomorrow !

Margot, Museomix Normandie