Refonte site web : c'est parti ! // Let's work on the new!

Bonjour @Jean-Marc,

La vidéo avait été réalisée par le vidéoaste du conseil départemental en 2014. On se renseigne pour la traduction.

Bien à toi,


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Bonjour @celia_cbo, @Marilyne

Merci pour cette refonte ! Le site a pris un coup de jeune et cela fait plaisir !
Nous aimerions mettre à jour la page de la communauté Sudmix mais j’ai égaré les codes coordo local. Pourriez-vous me les renvoyer stp ?

Par ailleurs, quand aurons-nous les codes d’accès pour que les communcants puissent alimenter la page prototype pendant ledît week-end ?

En te remerciant.


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Hello @Charline, please look in this mail :

Hey, go into “lieux” > choose the page you want to change > go down you’ll see tabs, one is “Equipe” then you can the whereabouts of the team members.
I don’t understand your question for the team name… Please can you give an example?

Merci !

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Hi, thank you @Jean-Marc!

In “lieux” > Gand > the community BE was not linked to the page. I did it. Please check.

For the belgian community prsentation, in which language it is not visible / visible ?
You must fill : Presentation field at least

Please check here in French :

Merci !

hello Marilyne ! à mon tour de te dire qu’on n’a pas accès au website… et que je le lien que tu as partagé dans ces conversations, me dit que je n’ai pas droit à cet accès… :/…
merci d’avance !

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J’ai commencé un nouveau sujet ici pour se coordonner : Prototypes 2017

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Hello, @CathBarra please check this message :

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Hello Maryline,
I am working with CathBarra and Pierre Saulay at MuseomixIDF. I am trying to connect on wordpress with the ID but it doesn’t work, although it works when Pierre tries it from its computer :thinking:
Thanks a lot in advance for your help!

Bonjour Maryline,
I haven’t received the new password so I cannot connect to the new site.
Could you send it to me?
Merci! ^^

Hey, please look at this message:

Hi, @Marilyne @celia_cbo @CathBarra !

I’m putting online more info in Portuguese (PT-BR) at the website.

I would like to ask for your help to fix just small things that I’m not being able to do it.
The six main pages are translated here:

But two of them don’t appear in the heading (Comunidades = community and Protótipos = prototypes) and one of them, S’impliquer = Se envolver, it’s translated but the title stays still in french.

So, if you have some time, I’ll appreciate your help.
Thank you very much :wink:



Hello ! I think @samy is the one who could help you ! :wink: he is the master of wordpress engine ^^


Sorry for delay I was little bit busy these days :frowning: I will check it ASAP (I go to Lisboa tomorrow so not much time)

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I fixed it :slight_smile: @samy @priscila

@priscila you did a great job for the translation !!! Parabens !

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Uhuuuuul! :star_struck:
Thanks, everyone! @Marilyne @samy @CathBarra